- The Direct Method emerge when The Grammar-Translation Method was not very effective in preparing students to use the target language communicatively.
As its name, The Direct Metthod taught the lessons directly in the target language, with no recourse to the students' native language.
In this method, lessons begin with dialogue using a modern conversational style or reading a passage or play aloud in the tarhet language.
The purpose of the Method is to enable students communicative in the target language. Because of that, students' mother tongue is never use. Also there is no translation to the students' native language, thus the teacher should demonstrate the meaning of new word or phrase through the use of realia, pictures or pantomim.
Grammar is taught Inductively; that is, the students are presented with examples and they figure out the rule or generalization from the example.
Teacher asked students in the target language and students answered in the taget language too.
Reading aloud
Students reading a passage or dialogue aloud.
Question and answer exercise
Students are asked questions and answer in full sentences so that they practice new words and grammatical sructure in the target language.
Getting students to self-correct
If the student makes an error, the teacher repeat what the student said, stopping just before the error so stuednt knows that the next word eas wrong.
Conversation practice
The teacher asks students a number of questions in the target language, which the students have to understand to be able to answer correctly.
Fill-in-the-blank exercise
The exercise almost same with the Grammar-Translation Method but in Direct Method all the items are in the target language; furthermore, no explicit grammar rule would be applied.
The teacher reads a passage aloud three times and the students write down what they listen. At the end, the teacher reads and the students check their work.
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